Sexualization Not Safety: Black Girls, Trans, and Gender Nonconforming Youth’s Experiences of Police Presence in Schools: Report Synopsis
A report synopsis of a 3-year community story-telling project engaging youth in Columbia, S.C., New York City, and the Bay Area around their experiences of police presence in schools, including sexual harassment, assault, and violence by police stationed in and around schools.
An Introduction to Police Fraternal Organizations
An introduction to Police Fraternal Organizations, including what they are, why we should care, how they harm women and girls of color, and systemic responses we can use to combat them.
Fight the (FOP) Power!
A resource explaining why it is important to focus on police fraternal organizations as we work to divest from policing and create safer communities, including FAQs and core strategies for challenging and shrinking the power, resources, and legitimacy of PFOs.
Abolición y el Estado
Una herramienta para reflexión y discusión para organizadores abolicionistas.
Don’t Be A Copagandist: #StopCopCity Indictments Edition
A resource for media and communicators covering the recent indictments of #StopCopCity organizers in Atlanta on how to avoid perpetuating copaganda.
Abolition and the State: Responses Vol. 2
This zine by Interrupting Criminalization's Beyond Do No Harm Network Fellow Maria Thomas, “A View from the Global South,” is in dialogue with IC’s Abolition and the State: A Discussion Guide.
Abolition and the State: Responses Vol. 1
This is the first in a series of ‘zines engaging questions raised in Interrupting Criminalization’s Abolition and the State: A Discussion Guide.
Shoplifting: Corporate Copaganda — Postcards
Postcards created as companion materials to the report Shoplifting: Corporate Copaganda.
Shoplifting: Corporate Copaganda
A resource on how claims of a “shoplifting surge” by corporations and the media is copaganda, Read about the rise of private security and why it is essential that we strip the power of corporations to criminalize.
Building Coordinated Crisis Response Graphic Notes
Illustrated graphic notes from IC’s Building Coordinated Crisis Response monthly practice space, which kicked off in 2022. This virtual learning space is for groups working to collectively intervene in and respond to crises without police.
Building Black Feminist Visions to End the Drug War Graphic Notes
Illustrated graphic notes from the Building Black Feminist Visions to End the Drug War virtual convening, hosted by Interrupting Criminalization, the Drug Policy Alliance, and the In Our Names Network on June 6-7, 2023.
Don’t Be A Copagandist: Drug War Edition
A resource for media on how to avoid reproducing criminalizing narratives and focus on health, harm reduction, human dignity, and justice in drug coverage.
Let This Radicalize You: Reading & Discussion Guide
This is a reading and discussion guide for Let This Radicalize You by Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba, a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.
Let This Radicalize You Workbook
This workbook is intended as an extension of Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba’s book Let This Radicalize You. It was created to feature resources that that couldn't fit in the book, including other helpful books, essays, wisdom from veteran organizers, and more!
Steep Yourself in Let This Radicalize You
“Steep Yourself in Let This Radicalize You” is a tea practice zine for reflection, enjoyment, and exploration. While this zine was designed for tea drinkers, readers who prefer coffee and other beverages will still benefit from the questions and prompts for reflection and visualization!
Let This Radicalize You Reflections from New Activists and Organizers
This zine was created as a complimentary project to Let This Radicalize You by Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba, and features reflections from new activists and organizers.
Let This Radicalize You Poster
Size 12x18” museum-quality poster made on thick matte paper. Created to accompany the release of Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care by Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba.
Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care
What fuels and sustains activism and organizing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing? Let This Radicalize You by Kely Hayes and Mariame Kaba is a practical and imaginative resource for activists and organizers building power in an era of destabilization and catastrophe.
The Struggle Continues
This report from the frontlines chronicles ongoing victories in efforts to reduce police budgets, increase investment in meeting community needs and building community-based institutions, and grow movements to divest from the violence of policing. Summarizing lessons learned over the past two years, it calls on movements and philanthropic organizations to make deep and long-term investments in organizing toward the world our communities deserve.
When We Fall Apart
This workbook was created to help individuals and groups collectively navigate a breakup from another individual or group. It offers up a collection of thoughts, insights, and lessons gathered from people in the social justice movement who have experienced an intragroup breakup and survived to tell the tale, learn lessons from it, and keep moving forward.