Sheila Nezhad

Development & Operations Director

Sheila Nezhad (she/her) is a community organizer located on Dakota land in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her work focuses on cultivating the conditions for a police-free future through storytelling, neighborhood organizing, and public policy. Sheila is co-author of numerous publications, including MPD150’s “Enough is Enough: A 150 Year Performance Review of the Minneapolis Police Department,” “Community Policing and other Fairy Tales,” and “Voices of Health,” landmark community-led LGBTQ health research in Minnesota. Sheila has worked as an abolitionist policy organizer at Reclaim the Block, research fellow at the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, assistant to Ricardo Levins Morales, and line cook at one of the busiest restaurants in Minneapolis. Sheila is a queer femme who believes everything can be done in leopard print, even mayoral campaigns. You can follow her on Twitter @SheilaFTP and sign up for her newsletter.


Erin Glasco


Tiffany Wang