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Envisioning and Enacting Abolitionist Futures: A Screening and Discussion of One Million Experiments

With Mariame Kaba & Eva Nagao

December 6, 2023
4:30 PM EST
Click here to register for the Zoom

Join Harvard Kennedy School for a discussion and screening of One Million Experiments, an experimental documentary film that explores how people are defining and creating safety to build a world without police and prisons, produced by Respair Production and Media, Interrupting Criminalization, and SoapBox Productions and Organizing. The film builds on a podcast of the same name from Interrupting Criminalization, which featured a curated collection of community-based safety projects, many of which were created in the midst of the 2020 uprisings. One Million Experiments (1ME) showcases and celebrates people working to build solutions that are grounded in transformation instead of punishment through long-form interviews with movement workers across the world. The screening will be followed by a conversation with organizers behind the 1ME project, Mariame Kaba and Eva Nagao.

December 1

Ella Baker for the 21st Century: National One Day Symposium

December 14

BYAT: Painting the Ocean and the Sky with Shira Hassan