Join Interrupting Criminalization’s Abolition Journalism Fellow Lewis Raven Wallace and fellow journalists and media makers for a resistance lab! In this two-hour session, we will think through and skill-share ways of keeping our communities and sources safer when reporting in a context of criminalization and surveillance. We will discuss:
How and why is criminalization escalating? What is the effect of surveillance on our work as media makers?
What is our responsibility as media makers to criminalized communities?
What tools and strategies can we use to make sound decisions about safety, support, and transparency with sources and communities in a context of increasing criminalization?
We welcome movement journalists and those working in mainstream organizations, as well as activist media makers and communications workers, who face some of the same vulnerabilities and ethical issues as journalists whether or not their work is recognized as journalism.
Participation in our meetups and resistance labs in 2025 requires a small application, after which you will receive a link good for any of these events (if you have already attended a meetup or resistance lab this year, your Zoom registration is good for any upcoming event!)
If you have questions, email ravenjournalist at gmail dot com.