“Disrupt and Vilify”: The War on Immigrants Inside the US War on Drugs
A joint report by Human Rights Watch and Drug Policy Alliance
Practicing Emergent Strategies to Fight the Right and Resist Fascism
The Public Eye Magazine, Political Research Associates
Love Letters for Liberation
“A Choreography of Being in Good Relation: Rehearsals for Living Book Review Forum,” Society and Space
“Criminalization is the Antithesis of Care”: Contextualizing the Dobbs Decision with Black Queer Abolitionist Feminism
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
Why Journalists Must Speak Out About Gaza
In These Times, Mainline, Mondoweiss, Prism, The Real News Network, Reckon, Scalawag, and Truthout
IC Enters Chrysalis: A Year of Integration, Reflection, and Preparation
An important announcement from Interrupting Criminalization co-founders Andrea J. Ritchie and Mariame Kaba.