Prisons Must Fall
By Mariame Kaba and Jane Ball and gorgeously illustrated by Olly Costello, Prisons Must Fall is a powerful children’s book showing the harm that prisons cause and exploring solutions that do not involve incarceration, such as meeting people's basic needs, restorative justice, and community support—seeds for a safe world.
Transformative Justice Knows No Borders
A report sharing learnings from a virtual transnational transnational conference for transformative justice, restorative justice, and community accountability practitioners that took place in May 2023. The report includes case studies from Kurdistan, India, the Philippines, and Argentina, and looks at the different languages and lineages people draw on in each of these places to root transformative justice practices in their local soil.
Mapping Community Ecosystems of Collective Care
A toolkit offering resources, responses, and questions to consider in building robust community ecosystems of collective care at the neighborhood and city-wide levels. Based on Interrupting Criminalization’s work and practice spaces, and aimed at helping communities seeking to strengthen networks of community care and advance transformative justice.
Building Coordinated Crisis Response Learning Space
A summary of lessons learned over the past two years of IC’s monthly, virtual peer learning space for organizations working to collectively intervene in and respond to crises without police — including issues explored, resources shared, questions to consider, and pitfalls to avoid.
Painting the Ocean & the Sky
A resource for anyone working to build collective community-based, non-carceral responses to crisis. This piece helps refine some necessary language that current abolitionist activists and organizers are using in this work, and helps us to make critical distinctions and ask ourselves critical questions as we build and learn from our work together.
5 Years of Interrupting Criminalization: Quilting Black Feminist Resistance
Challenging, interrupting, and building a world beyond criminalization is the unifying thread of IC’s work — and of the infrastructure and resources we are creating to support organizers on the ground across the country. Learn more in this summary of IC’s first five years of work.
Practicing New Worlds: Abolition & Emergent Strategies
Practicing New Worlds explores how principles of emergence, adaptation, iteration, resilience, transformation, interdependence, decentralization and fractalization can shape organizing toward a world without the violence of surveillance, police, prisons, jails, or cages of any kind, in which we collectively have everything we need to survive and thrive.
Building Coordinated Crisis Response Graphic Notes
Illustrated graphic notes from IC’s Building Coordinated Crisis Response monthly practice space, which kicked off in 2022. This virtual learning space is for groups working to collectively intervene in and respond to crises without police.
When We Fall Apart
This workbook was created to help individuals and groups collectively navigate a breakup from another individual or group. It offers up a collection of thoughts, insights, and lessons gathered from people in the social justice movement who have experienced an intragroup breakup and survived to tell the tale, learn lessons from it, and keep moving forward.
In It Together
This toolkit provides a step-by-step diagnostic tool to assess conflict in movement-building organizations and groups and provides strategies, tools, and resources to transform that conflict.
TJ Skill-Up Institute
This worksheet will take you through naming your conflict transformation skills, areas where you can keep building and deepening those skills, relationships that can support you in that work, and structures that can be resources where you are.
What About The Rapists?
When prison industrial complex abolitionists tell people that they want to abolish police and prisons, they invariably ask, “what about the rapists?” Explore brief answers to this question, as well as questions that abolitionists can ask in return.
Defund the Police - Invest in Community Care
The primary purpose of this guide is to serve as a pragmatic tool for individuals and communities organizing and advocating for non-police mental health crisis responses, and to offer key considerations for what can be a complex, costly, and long-term intervention strategy.
Shrouded in Silence
This report, in conjunction with an accompanying curriculum for sexual assault service providers, is intended to contribute to breaking this silence, to summarize what we know about sexual violence by law enforcement officers, and to offer concrete steps toward prevention of police sexual violence and increased safety, support, and opportunities for healing for survivors.
We Do This 'Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice
What if social transformation and liberation isn’t about waiting for someone else to come along and save us? In this timely collection of essays and interviews, Mariame Kaba reflects on the deep work of abolition and transformative political struggle.
What’s Next: Safer and More Justice Communities Without Policing
We hope that this guide will empower you to begin building a police-free future in your community and provide you with some strategies for ensuring this.
Criminalizing Survival
Criminalizing Survival includes curriculum units and activities that can be used for political education focused on the intersections between racialized gender-based violence and criminalization.
Criminalizing Domestic Violence: A Curriculum
This curriculum unit is intended to help activists, advocates, organizers and community members to learn more about the criminalization of domestic violence survivors.